Improving self-esteem and creating a positive flow amongst oneself, Citrine is a powerful healing crystal which aids in one's physical endurance.
Symboling joy and abundance, this unique gem also assists in digestion in facilitating transfers of energy from one to the other.
To make a design and wellness statement, you're going to need one of our Citrine Geodes.
Providing motivation and activating creativity, a custom stand is the perfect natural addition to your home.
Our natural Agate stones and slices are the perfect accessory for your home or office.
Agate is a natural healing stone with cleansing abilities which transform negativity and
improve your concentration.
Available in an array of colors, sizes and shapes, Agate is a versatile stone with many
benefits and purposes such as providing balance, calmness, harmony
and stimulating digestion.
Gifting us with fresh air and life, trees are essential on this earth.
Absorbing the toxic chemicals we produce and giving us clean air in return, without trees our life as we know it would cease to exist.
Gemstone trees pay a tribute to this crucial being and represent the gift of life.
Each stone is handpicked by a selection of high quality crystals and minerals to ensure maximum wellness results.